Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 839 Liquid Gold UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-839 Stock status: Very low Last ones in stock 9,95 £ a lava colour of molten gold that shimmers Kosárba
Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 840 CandyHo! UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-840 Stock status: Very low Last ones in stock 9,95 £ a candy pink with a drop of purple, dressed in holographic, multicolour glow Kosárba
Obecnie brak na stanie Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 841 Highlighter UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-841 Stock status: Out of stock Out of stock 9,95 £ a holographic purple shade with a drop of pink View
Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 842 Purple Rain UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-842 Stock status: Very low Last ones in stock 9,95 £ a cool purple with a million of glowing, holographic particles Kosárba
Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 843 HoloLulu UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-843 Stock status: Very low Last ones in stock 9,95 £ a holographic dark blue Kosárba
Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 844 My Lord UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-844 Stock status: Low In stock 9,95 £ a holographic effect based on light grey Kosárba
Minden géllakk szín - SPN Nails 845 Noise UV LaQ 8ml SPN Nails Professional 005-008-845 Stock status: Very low Last ones in stock 9,95 £ a graphite with holographic particles Kosárba