#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-
#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml - BabyBoomer Collection by MRM-

#380 MRM Lakier kauczukowy NaiLac 7ml

8,85 £

1,54 £ per 1ml

Stan zapasów: Bardzo niski
Ostatnie w magazynie


A revolution in the world of a manicure! Rubber nail polish that will reduce the working time and give you a new quality without fear of flooding the cuticles. The new #Babyboomer collection by Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan is a polish that is the base, colour and gel in one. They have a hardness and durability of gel, they are perfect for rebuilding and extension of the plate, and they are the base and colour.

  • Easy to apply - They have self-levelling properties
  • Odourless
  • Offer perfect coverage with 2 thin layers
  • Modern formula that looks like classic nail polish
  • They do not wrinklein the lamp, do not shrink during curing, oxidation and they do not change colour
  • Do not contain formaldehyde
  • NaiLac hybrid polishes are tested on individuals with AD
  • Instant and easy to apply
  • Perfect to be used on natural, gel, acrylic nails
  • They dissolve in the #NailOFF fluid
  • Time of curing in the LED lamp: 30 seconds, and in UV - 60 seconds
  • Recommended by the brand of Professionals - SPN Nails Professional


* The presented colours may be slightly different from the colour seen "live".

Do manicure francuskiego
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