"Perfect Set" by Karolina Wiatr

We present to you 3 new, absolutely perfect gels, which we have been working on for the past few months together with Master Team Instructor SPN Nails, Karolina Wiatr💗
Before you is the Perfect Set, in which we have enclosed 3 beautiful, pudding-pastel gels for the non-filing technique - Perfect Blush, Perfect Pink and Perfect Nude - which you simply must test!
These gels are the fulfillment of dreams about perfect products for salon styling, which have:
💗 a fluid, extremely self-leveling consistency,
💗 high surface tension, facilitating precise application of the gel on the nail,
💗 do not require filing!
💗 they also have a reduced burning sensation in the lamp - we worked long and hard to make these products really perfect!😍
For Karolina, it was important that the gel she works with, maximally facilitates work and shortens the time of the service performed⏱, while at the same time possessing visual characteristics that match her clients' preferences🥰 Thus the idea for the line “Perfect Gel by Karolina Wiatr” and this beautiful "Perfect Set" was born. "I wanted to create a product with SPN Nails that every client will love for its perfect color, and every stylist for its perfect consistency and coverage."
Perfect Gel is primarily:
💗 perfect coverage,
💗 perfect, self-leveling formula,
💗 perfect durability.
We guarantee that you will love these gels from the first application!